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Thai Acupressure

Thai Acupressure is one of the ancient forms of Thai Medicine. Thai Acupressure makes use of therapy or Sen lines in the body and what are called potent points to treat orthopedic disorders. These points were documented in 1836 by King Rama III of Thailand and the tradition has been taught in Bangkok ever since. Manual pressure is applied to relevant points and to the Sen lines to treat soft tissue ailments, and to increase range of motion.  This type of acupressure can feel "strong" but should always be comfortable and suitable for your needs. Once the points have been worked then gentle stretching, to increase range of motion, can begin. 

Depending on the condition, treatments can range from 60-120 minutes.


Thai Acupressure consists of treatment routines based on traditional combinations of therapy points and lines.
Sessions are 60-120 minutes.


© 2013 Roxanne Chrestman, A Therapeutic Bodywork Practice

Ocean Beach, California

CMTC-California Massage Therapy Council #13071

NCBTMB-National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork # 608168-11

ABMP-Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, member

By appointment only.

Phone: 619-709-5626

​email: for information and appointments, please include a phone number

Studio rates: $75/hour  $110/90 minutes  $140/ 2 hours  Thai-On-The-Road: $90/hour, 3 hour minimum.

As a courtesy, please allow 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment; this allows me to reschedule the time for another client.

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."

- Rumi

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